
by Unomedia Tuzla

News & Magazines


Tuzlanski.ba is one of the leading and most influential news media in BiH.

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Tuzlanski.ba je internet medij koji je 12. marta 2012. godine nastao na temeljima nešto ranije osnovane facebook stranice TUZLA – Grad koji volim, koja je svojim kreativnim uređivanjem postala prepoznatljiva na širem području. Tuzlanski.ba je za veoma kratak period postao vodeći i najutjecajniji informativni medij na području Tuzle i tuzlanskog kantona, što ga je ujedno svrstalo i među najutjecajnije internet medije u BiH. Na početku samog rada, uredništvo se opredjelilo za informativno-zabavni koncept i u tom periodu uglavnom su objavljivane informacije vezane za dešavanja na lokalnom nivou i vijesti zabavnog sadržaja, bez politike i crne hronike. Konstantan trend rasta posjećenosti, kao i veliki broj redovnih posjetitelja/čitatelja iz drugih gradova BiH, zemalja regiona ali i dijaspore nametnuo je potrebu proširenja sadržajnih segmenata pa će posjetitelji na redizajniranom portalu moći pratiti i niz drugih zanimljivih informacija iz svih sfera života u sklopu novih kategorija. Tuzlanski.ba je od početka svog djelovanja jedan od rijetkih nezavisnih internet medija u Bosni i Hercegovini iza kojeg ne stoji nijedna politička opcija ili nevladina organizacija, dok u svakodnevnom radu nastoji objektivno i pravovremeno informisati svoje čitatelje o svim aktuelnostima poštujući sve profesionalne standarde. Upravo zbog svega navedenog Tuzlanski.ba je internet medij koji je postao prepoznatljiv i drugačiji od drugih.Tuzlanski.ba na Facebooku ima 130.000+ fanova dok ukupan rad portala kroz nekoliko facebook stranica čini podrška od 250.000+ fanova. Na twiteru naše objave prati 950+ pratilaca dok na instagramu Intagramu naše aktivnosti prati 6.500 pratilaca, možete nas pratiti i na našem Google+ kanalu. Video zapisi na Youtube kanalu portala Tuzlanski.ba do sada su pregledani preko 5.000.000 puta, dok je broj pretplatnika iz dana u dan sve veći, trenutno ih je 2.250+Tuzlanski.ba the Internet is a medium that is 12 March 2012, built on the foundations established earlier facebook page TUZLA - The city that I love, which is its creative editing has become recognized in the wider area.Tuzlanski.ba is for a very short time become the leading and most influential information medium in the area of ​​Tuzla and Tuzla Canton, which is also ranked among the most influential Internet media in BiH.At the beginning of the work, the editorial board has chosen for infotainment concept and in this period are mostly published information related to the events at the local level and the news and entertainment content, free of politics and crime section.The constant upward trend in attendance, as well as a large number of regular visitors / readers from other cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region and the diaspora but imposed the need for expanding the content segments and the visitors to the redesigned portal will be able to follow a number of other interesting information from all walks of life under the new category .Tuzlanski.ba has since its foundation one of the few independent Internet media in Bosnia and Herzegovina, behind which stands no political option or non-governmental organizations, while the daily work seeks to objectively and timely inform their readers about all the activities respecting all professional standards. Because of all this Tuzlanski.ba the Internet medium that has become recognizable and different from others.Tuzlanski.ba Facebook has 130.000+ fans while the overall operation of the portal through several facebook pages makes support of 250.000+ fans. On twiteru our publication follows the 950+ followers on Instagram while Intagramu our activities monitored 6,500 followers, you can follow us on our Google+ channel. Videos on Youtube portal Tuzlanski.ba so far have screened over 5,000,000 times, while the number of subscribers each day more and more, now it is 2.250+Ispravke grešaka i optimizacija

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Aplikacija dobro dizajnirana, medjutim potreban joj je update i ukinuti reklamu.

Daniel Molnar

Ko hoce da ukine ads..lucky patcher

ramix psymaster

It would be great to fix these bugs when the app is crashing and mostly on flash and gif contents. Also those news sliding on the home screen could run slower...there is not enough time to read through headline before it moves to next one... other than that, thumbs up ;)

Edvin CCL Klimentic


Enes Kahrimanovic

Nači' Bože

milan josic

Prebrzo radi

Mirza Mehanovic

brzo...jednostavan dizajn...odlicno

eldar dropic

Veoma brzo

Anel Hodzic


Adi Glibanović